The most delicious crockpot cauliflower soup that's packed with vegetables, good for you, and easy to make. Super creamy, full of veggies, and freezer...
The most delicious French Onion Soup cooked right in the crockpot. It's easy to make, packed with flavor, and makes a perfect lunch or dinner.
Learn how to make the most delicious roasted tomato soup with fresh vegetables, basil pesto, and ripe tomatoes. Easy to make and so flavorful.
This easy 30 minutes vegetable and bean soup is packed with Italian flavors, tons of veggies, and is freezer friendly. Great for a nutritious dinner...
The most delicious (and easy!) slow cooker lentil soup with dried lentils, vegetables, and the perfect blend of spices for an easy and wholesome...
The most amazing lightened up broccoli cheese soup made with lots of veggies and a creamy cheddar cheese broth. Easy to make and freezer friendly.
The best Minestrone soup with fresh vegetables, white beans, and pasta all in a garlicky tomato broth. Easy, classic, delicious.
Sausage and Pepper Soup with spinach, carrots, celery, and garlic in a tomato broth is easy to make and so comforting. Use any vegetables and sausage...
This eas Curry Chickpea Stew is ready in thirty minutes but tastes like it has been cooking all day. Indian comfort food at its best.
This amazing roasted corn chowder is made in the slow cooker, packed with flavor, and healthy! Easy to make and delicious!
The most amazing creamy mushroom soup made with a secret ingredient! This easy to make soup is deliciuos, healthy, and freezes great.
This amazing red lentil soup is packed with flavor from ginger, coconut milk, and curry powder. Easy to make, filling, and healthy.