This Mexican Quinoa Salad is a fresh, vibrant mix of quinoa, black beans, corn, avocado, and a zesty honey-cilantro lime dressing—ready in just 15...
Prep delicious, nutritious, and simple meals using these 28 healthy one pan dinners that won’t exhaust you.
These Low Carb Protein Pancakes are fluffy, delicious, and packed with protein to keep you full longer—perfect for a quick, easy, and nutritious...
Make smoky, tender Slow Cooker Beef Adobo with dried chilies, brisket, and spices for a flavorful, easy dish perfect for tacos, bowls, and more!
This Mexican adobo sauce comes together in under 15 minutes and is smoky, spicy, and loaded with bold flavors. Perfect for marinades, stews, or tacos...
Taco Spiced Salmon with Cilantro Slaw is the perfect blend of bold, smoky spices and refreshing crunch. Juicy salmon pairs beautifully with creamy...
Make quick and easy refried beans at home! Creamy, flavorful, and lower in calories than your favorite Mexican restaurant's version.
This sweet and savory Slow Cooker Sesame Beef is an instant favorite! Easy to make, full of flavor, and way better for you than takeout.
Savor Blackened Shrimp Bowls are made with smoky shrimp, sweet mango salsa, creamy avocado, and fluffy rice. Ready in about 20 minutes!
Start your day right with these 15 high-protein breakfasts that are easy, delicious, and packed with the energy you need to conquer your morning.
This homemade red enchilada sauce is made with ancho and guajillo chiles, tomatoes, and Mexican oregano for a rich and authentic flavor. Perfect for...
Slow Cooker Chicken in Chile Verde made with a homemade green tomatillo salsa comes together in less than 10 minutes and couldn't be more delicious.