Chicken Birria Tacos Make food truck worthy chicken birria tacos at home! These crispy, cheesy chicken tacos are a great alternative to traditional...
Mediterranean Quinoa Bowl The most amazing quinoa bowl with feta cheese, black olives, fresh veggies, arugula, and the most delicious two-minute hummus...
Beef Stir Fry In just 20 minutes make this delicious beef and vegetable stir fry in the most amazing homemade stir fry sauce! Works with any...
Fish Taco Slaw Make the best fish taco slaw with shredded cabbage, cilantro, and a delicious creamy lime dressing. Perfect for all types of fish...
Fish Tacos Make the most delicious fish tacos in less than 15 minutes! These classic fish tacos with shredded cabbage, the best spice rub,...
Quick and Easy Salmon Recipes Find the best quick and easy salmon recipes! All are made in less than 30 minutes. Great recipes for baked salmon, grilled salmon...
Lemon Pepper Tilapia Make delicious, flaky lemon pepper tilapia in just 15 minutes with only 5 ingredients! Quick, easy, and family-friendly. Bake it...
Habanero Salsa This is the ultimate salsa for anyone who loves spice! Made with roasted habanero peppers, garlic, tomatoes, and citrus, this...
Cochinita Pibil Cochinita Pibil is a flavorful Mexican pork recipe where pork shoulder is braised in a citrus marinade until fork-tender. This...
Healthy Taco Soup This is the most delicious Healthy Taco soup! Make it in the slow cooker, Instant Pot, or stove-top. Packed with shredded chicken...
Chicken Stir Fry Just 20 minutes to make this delicious chicken and vegetable stir fry with homemade sauce! Tastes better than takeout and can be...
Slow Cooker French Onion Soup The most delicious French Onion Soup cooked right in the crockpot. It's easy to make, packed with flavor, and makes a perfect...