This thirty minute turkey chili packed with lean ground turkey, beans, tomatoes, and chipotle peppers is healthy, super tasty, and easy to make!
Easy to make, delicious Crockpot Turkey Chili with ground turkey, pinto beans, and kidney beans. Full of all the classic chili flavor but lightened up...
Make the best white chicken chili right in the slow cooker with chicken breast, white beans, and green salsa. This cozy chili recipe is hearty,...
The easy 30-minute chili is made with a combination of ground turkey, butternut squash, tomatoes, peppers, and spices. Made without beans but you...
This tasty green turkey chili is made with jarred green salsa for an easy shortcut and a delicious end result. Filling, healthy, and always a crowd...
The easiest White Chicken Chili made with chicken breast, beans, corn, and green salsa is hearty, filling, and super delicious. Make it stovetop, in...
This simple beef chili only takes 30 minutes to make but tastes like it has been on the stove all day long. Make this for dinner and save the...
All the flavors of pepperoni pizza combined with chili! This amazing Pepperoni Pizza Chili is a filling, delicious, and easy meal that the whole...
Turkey Chili with Sweet Potatoes with all the flavors of your favorite chili but without the beans for a Paleo and Whole30 friendly version you will...