You won't believe that these crispy homemade potato chips were baked in the oven. They are healthy, delicious, and can be seasoned in so many ways.
The most delicious, tender roasted butternut squash. Just five minutes of prep work! Great as a side dish or to use in baked goods, soups, pasta, and...
These easy three ingredient roasted cauliflower florets make the perfect side dish with their crispy edges. Full of flavor, simple to make, and the...
Make an easier version of this classic French vegetable dish right in the slow cooker! Packed with fresh vegetables and served with crispy polenta.
This veggie packed hash is the ultimate breakfast or brunch dish. Made with hashbrowns, tons of veggies, and finished with feta cheese. This diner...
Make the best plantains on the grill! These can be made sweet or savory and are ready in just 15 minutes.
Learn to make the most amazing roasted mushrooms that come out perfectly tender with caramelized edges! Made with garlic, olive oil, and balsamic...
Learn to make the most delicious grilled vegetables! The easy homemade balsamic marinade makes grilled veggies taste incredible. Great for proteins...
Learn to make the most delicious marinated grilled veggies with homemade balsamic. garlic, and lemon marinade. Easy, fast, versatile, and healthy.
Learn how to make the most delicious, slightly charred garlic broccolini on the grill in less than 10 minutes! This will be your new favorite summer...
Learn to make the most delicious Asian Grilled Bok Choy in just 10 minutes! The perfect grilled vegetable side dish made with garlic, soy sauce, and...
No more boring cauliflower rice with this 15-minute coconut cauliflower rice. It's creamy, full of coconut flavor, and finished with lime and cilantro...