Learn how to make the most delicious homemade roasted garlic hummus! It is surprisingly easy to make and tastes so much better than store-bought....
The best recipe for slow cooker pinto beans that come out perfectly tender without soaking. Made with onion and garlic, these beans are healthy and...
Learn how to make the most delicious guacamole! This authentic recipe is easy to make, bursting with flavor, and is great for chips, tacos, burritos,...
The most delicious French Onion Soup cooked right in the crockpot. It's easy to make, packed with flavor, and makes a perfect lunch or dinner.
In just 10 minutes, make this creamy hummus with white beans instead of chickpeas. This fun twist on a classic dish is wholesome, satisfying, and...
Learn how to make perfect sushi rice! This seasoned sushi rice is easy to make with this foolproof cooking method. Use it for homemade sushi, bowls,...
This creamy Avocado Hummus is made with fresh avocado, chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and fresh cilantro is your new favorite dip. Easy to make, full...
Just 5 ingredients and 30 minutes to make delicious, tangy Pickled Red Onions! Serve them with tacos, Mexican meals, salads, grain bowls, burgers, and...
This 10-minute Asian Broccolini with garlic, ginger and a touch of oyster sauce makes an amazing side dish for almost any meal. Quick, easy, and full...
This easy Mexican Quinoa is full of beans, corn, tomatoes, and taco seasoning to make an easy vegetarian filling for tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and...
This easy and delicious 10-minute Asian Noodle Bowl is packed with noodles, vegetables, and the best sesame sauce. With over 20 grams of protein, this...
In just 10 minutes, make the most delicious crispy pan-fried broccoli florets! The perfect side dish for any meal. With lots of flavor and seasoning...