This super easy nutty barley bowl packed with tender mushrooms, garlic, and onion is an easy vegetarian meal or side dish.
Sesame Soy Edamame cooked with sesame oil, soy sauce, and a touch of red pepper flakes take edamame to a whole new level. This savory dish has tons of...
The most delicious healthy baked carrot chips that are ready to eat in less than 15 minutes. Come out super crispy every time!
Learn to make crispy and delicious roasted broccoli with garlic! Ready in just 20 minutes, this broccoli is anything but boring.
These Parmesan Zucchini Noodles with garlic and red pepper flakes are the perfect low carb and keto side dish. A great veggie alternative to...
Make the most delicious portobello mushroom hamburger buns in just 10 minutes! Low carb, keto, and Whole30 friendly.
Make the most of summer produce by grilling all your favorite summer veggies! Learn to make the most delicious, caramelized vegetables right in the...
Make the most amazing brown rice with garlic, cilantro, and lime juice. Great for burritos, burrito bowls, grain bowls, and more. Ready in 35 minutes.
Make the most delicious Asian inspired roasted carrots with just 4 ingredients! Healthy, east to make, and bursting with flavor. These carrots taste...
Make the most delicious low-carb, keto, and low-calorie noodles using yellow summer squash! These easy-to-make veggie noodles taste great in pasta...
These Celeriac Fries are baked in the oven until crispy and delicious are a low carb french fry alternative most people don't think of but you are...
Make the most delicious acorn squash right on the gril! In less than 10 minutes, this caramelized squash is ready to serve with any main dish.