This fresh an delicious Israeli salad is packed with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and herbs in a lemon dressing. Great for a side dish or...
The best crispy roasted potatoes that are ready in just 25 minutes and come out perfectly browned and delicious every time. Seasoned with a secret...
You won't believe how easy and delicious these Roasted Balsamic Green Beans and Mushrooms are! The perfect side dish for any dinner and packed with...
Make delicious homemade green salsa with avocado in less than 10 minutes! Great for tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and more.
Crispy roasted eggplant that is never soggy! Learn to make caramelized, delicious eggplant in the oven in under 30 minutes.
Make delicious, caramelized edamame in just 5 minutes! This protein-packed dish is seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil, and black pepper for a...
This easy grilled cabbage comes out with the most delicious crispy edges and is ready in less that 15 minutes. It's the bets cabbage you'll ever have...
Learn how to make the most amazing grilled Brussels sprouts with garlic, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil, Crispy, tender inside, and so delicious.
You'll love this easy Garlic Grilled Eggplant that's ready in less than 15 minutes. Perfect for a healthy side dish, vegetarian meal, or to use in...
These easy vegetarian farro bowls are packed with roasted broccoli, chickpeas, farro, and the most delicious garlic tahini sauce. Great for meal prep...
Make this crunchy and delicious celery salad for your next dinner party, picnic, or barbecue. It keeps well in the heat, can be made in advance, and...
This Edamame Salad is fresh, nutritious, and bursting with flavor. It's made with a blend of crunchy vegetables (that stand up to summer heat!),...