You won't believe that this delicious chow mein is actually good for you! With less than half the calories as Panda Express without sacrificing flavor...
These easy vegetarian farro bowls are packed with roasted broccoli, chickpeas, farro, and the most delicious garlic tahini sauce. Great for meal prep...
The best recipe for slow cooker pinto beans that come out perfectly tender without soaking. Made with onion and garlic, these beans are healthy and...
The most amazing quinoa bowl with feta cheese, black olives, fresh veggies, arugula, and the most delicious two-minute hummus dressing. This bowl is...
This easy Mexican Quinoa is full of beans, corn, tomatoes, and taco seasoning to make an easy vegetarian filling for tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and...
The best healthy fried rice that's ready in 10 minutes and tastes just as good as takeout with just 130 calories. Make it with your favorite veggies...
Learn to make delicious and creamy Parmesan polenta with basil. This Italian side dish is great for stews, braised meats, sauces, meatballs, and more.
The most delicious drunken pinto beans made from scratch with a spicy and rich beer broth! Easy to make, full of flavor.
This hearty chickpea salad takes all the flavors of a traditional Greek salad and adds chickpeas! Crunchy chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and...
This delicious Mexican Charro Beans are packed with flavor from a rich broth made with bacon, jalapeno peppers, onions, garlic, and spices. Easy to...
This twenty minute meal has so much flavor and is always a family favorite. Made with leftover rice, chicken, tons of veggies, pineapple, and cashews...
This amazing crispy Baked Polenta Fries are coated with Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning for the perfect spin on a classic french fry. Full of...